The Interface
Gallery, LUTs, Media Pool and Clips window
The quick export window
Resetting the UI
The enhanced viewer
The cinema Viewer
Effects controls and using the mouse wheel
Resetting effects and parameters
The monitor
The nodes window
The timeline window
The color effects windows
The scopes, Floating and info windows
The Lightbox window
The effects window
The nodes and timeline buttons
Color Concepts and Lingo
The difference between color correction and color grading
The 3 main ranges-Highlights, Midtones and shadows
The difference between primary and secondary colors
Understanding Contrast
Understanding Hue
Understanding Luma
Power windows
What are power windows and why use them?
The different types of power windows
Multiple power windows in the same node
Power windows transform and softness
Power windows visibility
Important reminder
What is keying?
Intro into the qualifier tab
The HSL, RGB and Luma qualifiers
The 3D qualifier
Intro into LUTs
The LUTs window
Previewing LUTs
The different ways to apply LUTs
Controlling LUTs opacity
Generating LUTs
Importing LUTs
Adjusting the image to work with a specific LUT
Nodes 101
Introduction to nodes
The outside node
Parallel and layer nodes
The Splitter Combiner node
Where to add nodes in the node tree
Activating and Deactivating nodes
Intro into scopes
The waveform scope
The RGB Parade scope
The histogram scope
The vectorscope
CIE Scope
The skintones indicator
Nodes 102
Nesting nodes
The shared node
Grouping shots and node levels
Copy attributes between nodes
The Key tab and node opacity
The Keyframing Tab and controlling effect over time
Color wheels 101
Primaries VS Log color wheels
Hue and tint controls
Prevent color problems and breakup
HDR Wheels
What are the HDR wheels?
HDR wheels interface
The HDR wheels controls
The zone graph panel
RGB Curves
RGB curves basic controls
Why use RGB curves?
How RGB curves affect colors
Copying curves between channels
Editable splines
Default anchors
Curves histogram view
The other curves
The Hue vs Hue curve
The Hue vs Sat curve
The Hue vs Luma curve
The Luma vs Sat curve
The Sat vs Sat curve
Sat vs Sat in depth
Power windows tracking
Why use the tracker?
The cloud tracker
Interactive mode
Manual tracking (Clip vs Frame modes)
Selecting what aspects to track
The point tracker
Color warper 1
Introduction and interface
Why use the color warper?
Selecting points
Understanding the visual controller
Changing precision level and color space
The controls section
The color warper 2
The interface
Understanding the Chroma-Luma grid
The tools section
Auto color correction
The Auto color button
Color correction using the White and black point pickers
The color match option
The Shot matching option
Matching Different Shots and Styles
Getting references and comparing images
Saving and comparing different versions of a grade
Append a vignette from a saved reference
Grading against a graded image
Color Space Transform
Controlling the Image
Control the sizing of images
The Blur tab
The most popular color grading styles
The cross process look
The Bleach Bypass look
High Key vs Low Key looks
Desaturate different color ranges
Isolating and stylizing highlights
Advanced Color Matching
RGB Mixer for Contrast
Reference Sizing
Primaries And LOG
Contrast And Colors In Different Nodes
Offset vs. Gain
Hue vs. Luma for Contrast
Contrast And The Pivot Point
Gamma vs. Lift for Contrast
Dialing Adjustment to Taste
Recovering Highlights
Input Saturation
Midtone Contrast
X and + Framework
Main Framework
A Faster Framework
Session 01
Session 02
Session 03
Session 04
Session 05
Session 06
Session 07
Session 08
Advanced RGB Curves
Why Use Curves
Shadows, Midtones And Highlights
Multiple Curves
Where is The Yellow Curve?
Controlling Curves Points
Examples of using curves
The Spline Control
Default Anchors
Relative Channel Controls
White Balancing
Moving Direction
The 4th And 5th Points
Place Holders
Starting From The Side Points
Starting From The Middle Point
The Closing S Curve
Cross Process
Vintage 1
Vintage 2
Vintage 3
The Interface 1
The media pool
The effects library
The edit index
The sound library
The source monitor
The timeline monitor
Tracks options
Windows controls
The interface 2
The timeline - basic options
The timeline - Tracks colors
The timeline - snapping
The timeline - link clips
The timeline - position lock
The timeline - flags
The timeline - markers
The timeline - Zoom options
The timeline - Audio options
The timeline - Tracks
The interface 3
Timeline view options
Stacked timelines (show multiple timelines)
The inspector window
The metadata window
Smooth playback
Timeline proxy mode
Understanding optimized media
Understanding proxy files
Using optimized proxy files
Bypass Color Effects
The Proxy selector
Caching and proxy mode
Change the memory (RAM) allocated to fusion
Editing basics 1
Importing Footage Directly to Timeline
Creating a New Timeline
Fit to fill
Place on top
Append to end
Ripple overwrite part 1
Ripple overwrite part 2
Editing modes
The Selection Edit Mode
The Trim Edit Mode
Dynamic Trim Mode
Edit 2
Compound Clips & Nested Sequences
Using Match Frame
Using Transitions
Transitions Shortcut
Fade in & out Handles
Disabling Clips
Editing basics 2
Select Clips Backward or Forward
Creating smart folders using metadata
Saving & Archiving a Project
Open Bin in New Window
Saving Clips with Settings to use them later
Dynamic Zoom
Go to Last Position
Undo History
Show Duplicate frames
The thumbnail view
Keyframing & Changing speed
Keyframing basics
Viewing and editing Motion Paths
Speed Changing & Retiming - Part 1
Speed Changing & Retiming - Part 2
Speed Changing & Retiming - Part 3
Titles & Generators
Using the Generators
Multicam introduction
Creating a multicam timeline and auto sync
Manual sync
The multicam monitor and controls
Intro to fusion
The fusion interface
The position of new added nodes
Sending the output to multiple nodes
Introduction to nodes
Viewing nodes on monitors
Buffer split wipe
The inspector relation to nodes
Connecting nodes (inputs and outputs)
Node inputs location change
Resetting effects and parameters
Reset the entire node structure
Fusion nodes types
What is the media in node
What is the media out node
The transform node
The merge node
The Multi Merge node
The Text node
The Background node
Creating masks with nodes
The Delta keyer node
Managing Nodes
Node view and arrangement options
The pipe router
Groups and folders
Creating different versions of compositions
Animation intro
The keyframe editor
The spline editor
Tracking in fusion
The 3D environment
The 3D text node
The 3D Merge node
3D Background (3D to 2D)
Converting 2D object to 3D
Animating 3D objects
The 3D Camera node
Text Animation Basics
The Layer system
The importance of the background node
Text from edit
The paint node
Show controls
Adjusting background image color
Show guides
Creating background gradient
Adding new fonts
Text animation (The Text Node)
The text node preview options
Create text outline
Text shapes
Character level styling
Extra text options
Text animation - masks
Mask over text
White masks
Cut the text from the image
Image through text
Animating text 1
Smooth animations
Text followers
Playhead position sync
Creating and animating standard shapes
Subtracting masks
Animating static text using the over operator
Scramble text
Animate text
Animating text 2
The glow node
Adding Rays
TV Effect
Introduction to Fairlight
Fairlight is linked to edit
The media pool
The automation panel
Editing tools
Monitor audio levels
The mixer, meters and monitor windows
The inspector window
Editing modes
The effects panel
The ADR window
Sound library
Grid view options
The timeline
Timeline view options
Audio concepts
What is Amplitude
What are Frequencies
How to calculate Resolution in audio
What is the difference between an audio track and an audio channel?
Audio effects
The Equalizer - Part 1
The Equalizer - Part 2
What are Dynamics effects?
Mixing audio
Adding and controlling effects
The mixer
What is routing and how to create busses
Audio mixing using the equalizer
Audio mixing using the dynamics controls
Multiple Pages
The first steps
Downloading Resolve and getting started
The Project Manager
The Pages of Resolve
Importing files
Importing files
Importing footage using scene-cut-detection
The settings of DaVinci Resolve
The user settings
Settings of the current project
Exporting and Delivery
Quick export
The deliver tab
The interface
CUT vs. EDIT pages
The interface (part 1)
The interface (part 2)
The interface (part 3)
Working with clips
Importing files
Working with bins
Importing folders
Relink media
Importing clips directly to the timeline
The initial cut
Changing a timeline properties
Closeup edit
Place on top
Audio-only tracks
Source overwrite
Split clip
Creating a timeline
Preview files
Adding in and out points
Adding in and out points in source tape mode
Inserting clips manually
Smart insert
Append to end
Ripple overwrite
Adjusting clips
Controlling parameters
Dynamic zoom
Replacing clips in the timeline
Fast preview of the timeline
Playhead move with dragged clip
The boring detector
Titles and generators
Disable and enable clips
Right clicking the playhead
Clip colors
Clip attributes
The sync bin
What is the sync bin?
Syncing files
Using the sync bin
Focal length
Filters basics
Mounts basics
Full Frame VS Crop lenses
Prime vs Zoom lenses
Auto vs manual lenses
Macro Lenses
2D Distortion
Z axis distortion
Background squeeze
Chromatic aberration
Gradual sharpness
Lens breathing
Lighting 101
Diffusion 1
Diffusion 2
Light Relation to Camera Position
Key Light
Fill Light
Spill Control
3 Point Setup
High-Key & Low-Key
Face Lighting
The Sports look
Lighting the Background